Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Deacon: 10 months

Deacon turned 10 months a few weeks ago, and oh my gosh, he's just getting cuter and sweeter by the day. This is one of my favorite ages. I remember feeling this way about P&F at this age too. I mean really, how can you resist this adorable little guy.

Height and Weight
We didn't have a check up this month, but I'd say he's well past 22lbs. Not sure on his height. But, he's a hefty little guy, and everyone comments on how big he is.

Clothing Size
He's firmly in 12-18 month clothes, and even in some of Fletch's old 24m clothes that shrank a bit. 

Not too many to report here. Deacon isn't crawling or very mobile yet. We actually are starting physical therapy next week through Fairfax County's Early Intervention program to work on gross motor skills. I'm sure in the next month or two we'll have lots of milestone updates. Two things I can report though are 1) Deacon has teeth! He has two on the bottom and three just about in on top. 2) He's starting to play games and imitate us. If I make a sound, he'll make it back to me. Grandma also taught him Pat-a-Cake, and Deacon loves twirling his arms to pretend he's rolling the dough. It's the cutest.

Outings and Adventures
Deacon pretty much goes where we go--the playground, PB&Jack, Target, etc. I'm hoping we get to the zoo this weekend. Last time he was there, he was just a teeny tiny newborn.

We're firmly on a two nap/day schedule (also known as a 2-3-4 schedule, although we do closer to a 2-3-3 schedule). Deacon gets up around 6:30am, naps 2 hours after getting up at 8:30am until 10:30am, stays awake for 3 hours and goes down for a second nap at 1:30pm, and then goes to bed around 6:30pm, about 3 hours after he gets up from his second nap. As for night sleep, he is still getting up once/night to eat. I'm sure it's just a habit at this point, but we've been really reluctant to do any sleep training or to break the habit, mostly out of sheer laziness.

Favorite Food
He loves his bananas, sweet potatoes, and pears. A few months ago, Deacon had an allergic reaction to raspberries or apricots, so I'd been pretty hesitant to try a lot of other foods until we saw the allergist. We had our appointment last week, and he tested negative for the other common childhood food allergens (peanuts, eggs, peaches, strawberries, melon, etc.), so now we're upping the ante and giving him new foods, and trying to convince him that table foods are delicious.

That's pretty much the story on Deacon this month. It's hard to believe in just two short months, we'll have a one-year old. In the meantime, I'm holding tight to this adorable baby smile. Who can resist such cuteness!?!

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