Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Weekend

Last weekend was a big one for us. It was not only Piper and Fletch’s first Easter, but also our first trip. I’m happy to report that it went wonderfully, and we had a great time. The entire weekend was perfect, especially Saturday when lots of family and friends stopped by to meet the babies. Thanks so much to everyone who came over. On Sunday, their first Easter, we were relatively low key, and just took a walk around the lake in Wakefield, which was really special since we’ve spent so many years walking around there. The Easter Bunny also visited the babies and gave them lots of candy (which Eric and I enjoyed) as well as a few new books.

A few folks have asked us how traveling with twins was, and I have to say that it was way easier than I envisioned. The key was organization and purchasing seats for the babies. Going through security was tricky but not too bad, and now that we know what to expect, it will make it easier in the future. When the TSA agent saw us they immediately opened up a new line and let us through. Getting on the plane with all our luggage, stroller, car seat, and babies took some trips back and forth to the jetway, but we managed. Once on the plane, things were easy. Eric and I sat in two rows, each with a baby in the window seat, and it so nice to have a little one-on-one time with the babies. The babies slept for most of the flight or just looked out the window.

All in all, we had such a great time, and it was good to get out of our routine for a few days. We’ll definitely make the trip again.

No big baby milestones this week. Everyone was amazed that the babies were feeding themselves, we’re still working on sitting unassisted, they are going to crawl any day, and teething is still underway. I’m pretty sure Piper’s teeth have popped through or are about to.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Post About Nothing

I’m hoping this post won’t lead to years of therapy for Fletch, but it was too funny not to put on here.

Tulip Time

My two favorite things about spring in the Washington, DC area are the cherry blossoms and the tulips at the Netherlands Carillon near the Iwo Jima Memorial. This weekend, we took a trip to long walk to see the blooming buds, and had a terrific time. It was a perfect spring day, and the babies loved riding in the stroller, taking in all the people and sights. We had such a great time.

In addition to that bit of wonderfulness, the babies hit a terrific new milestone this weekend—they’ve learned to hold their own bottles and feed themselves. It’s incredible. We hand them the bottle, and they go to town on it. I can’t tell you how much stress feeding them caused me the first few months and weeks. Each feeding took at least hour, so there were some days when I spent 6-7 hours a day feeding them when I was on maternity leave. I know that crawling, walking, and talking are all going to be big milestones and steps on the way to independence, but this latest development felt huge to me. I’m hoping to get a picture of them eating sometime soon.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sox and Schedules

First thing first, I want to let everyone know that Piper and Fletch are ready for the weekend series with the Yankees (thanks to our friend Kathy!). Just because they were born in Virginia doesn't mean that don't know their Boston roots. :)

Second, let's talk schedules. When you first find out you're pregnant, you envision yourself having wonderful days with your baby, full of playing, napping whenever needed, feeding the baby while at the park, at the mall, etc. Then, one day, you find you are having twins, and your whole outlook changes. The advice you get from every mom of multiples is, "Get them on the same schedule!" and "Stick to a schedule!" We did all that and had a great schedule. Everyday for the past 7 months, the babies ate at 5am, 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, and then at bedtime. Between bottles, they would play and nap, and life was dandy.

One day recently, we realized that weren't napping very well anymore and they were spitting up half their bottle and a lot of their solids. It was time to change the schedule. Fewer bottles, more solids, two long naps during the day rather than lots of short ones. So, for the past few weeks, we've been trying this. It hasn't been easy, but I think the babies are adjusting and they aren't spitting up as much. Hopefully at some point, this will translate to better sleep at night. Fletch seems to be doing better, but Piper has a cold and has been waking a lot. If anyone has any advice on transitioning schedules, I'd love to hear it.

So, that's where we're at this weekend--trying to make this new schedule work. I'm sure as soon as we have it figured out, things will change again.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Few Cute Shots on a Dreary Morning

Just a few cute shots from the past few days. Fletch has just about mastered sitting up on his own, while Piper is mastering how to steal toys from her brother.

From There to Here

A lot has happened in the past three years. Who would have thought when Eric and I stood next to the Reflecting Pool during the Cherry Blossom Festival on our wedding day, that we'd be near the same spot three years later with our two adorable loves with us. These three years have been full of so much love and laughter, and I can't imagine going through this adventure with anyone but Eric.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Food and Fun at Seven Months

We’ve made it through another month. I’m happy to say that things are finally feeling a bit more sane (knock on wood). The babies are sleeping a tiny bit better at night, napping better on the weekends, and the weather is getting warmer. We’ve all also survived another little cold/cough. So, I’m going to say things on the up and up.

Things are also getting more fun. The babies are rolling all over the place and have become happy little tummy sleepers at night. During the day, the roll onto their belly during play time and try to reach for toys. Still no crawling or sitting unassisted yet, but I know that will come soon (as will a call to a professional baby proofer, I think, because Piper is going to be into everything…she’s a rambunctious little stinker. LOL!) The babies are also having more fun with toys and are getting used to taking rides in our BOB stroller. We hope they ove the BOB because we plan to use it a lot this summer.

In addition to all the fun, Fletch and Piper are loving solid foods. Here are some of the foods they have tried and really enjoyed as purees: sweet potato, pumpkin, spinach, peas, carrots, squash, corn, mango, apples, apricots, peaches, bananas, pears, cranberry, raspberries, yogurt, turkey, chicken, and beef, (a lot of these we've only given in various combinations). The only thing they haven't liked is green beans. the next few weeks, we hope to start some puffs and smaller table foods.

With all this rolling, playing, and eating going on, not much else to report. Work has been going well, and the babies love going to Grandma’s two days a week and seem happy at daycare on the other days. Now it’s just onto spring and summer. Tomorrow, we’re bringing them down to see the cherry blossoms—one of my favorite things in the world.

P.S. Go Sox!