Monday, March 26, 2018

Random Recent Pics

I feel like we've taken a lot of cute pics of the kids lately and wanted to capture them here. So, here are just some random shots.

I dislocated my kneecap a few weeks ago and got a visit from
the FFX County paramedics and got to ride in their ambulance.

Deke loved this Gingerbread Man that we saw on St. Patrick's Day at Barnes and Noble. 

We had a freak snowstorm on the first day of spring. The kids loved it. School was closed for two days. I wasn't sure if we'd survive all that togetherness, but we made it.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Jasper: One Month

Jasper turned a month old this week. Time is flying--nights long, days short, and that whole thing. Here are his stats:

Birth: 7lbs 12 oz, 21 inches
6 days: 7lbs 5oz (31%)
2 weeks: 8lbs 2oz (37%), 20.5 inches (48%)
1 month: 11lbs 3oz (71%), 21.25 inches (27%)

(Notice the huge weight gain between 2 weeks and 1 month. Apparently, even though Eric and I have done this baby thing before, we have been overfeeding him. He acts hungry a lot but it's likely because he has silent reflux and the milk makes him feel better. Oops....)

As for milestones--not many just yet. He's a pretty fussy baby and his sleep and naps are all over the place, but we're hoping it will get better as we get his feeding under control. One of the great things about fourth babies is that you know it's all just a phase and it will be over before you know it.

Here are some recent pics:

And, here is some of the fun that we have at his expense. Sorry, baby boy. It's just too cute to not to do it.

As you can see, the mohawk is still in tact. It's the first thing everyone comments on. Overall, he's been such a wonderful addition to our family, and the big kids still are totally enamored with him, constantly wanting to kiss and hug him. Thanks for putting up with all of us, sweet Jasper Jedi

P.S. I'm just throwing this extra Deke pic in here b/c it's too cute and I want to preserve it.