Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Jasper: 12 Months

It's hard to believe but Jasper turned a year old about 2 weeks ago. It seems like just yesterday, I was pregnant with him, but also like we've always had four kids and there wasn't a time before him. So strange.

Being the fourth kid, the poor guy didn't get a big birthday party, but Eric's parents did come over for cake, which Jasper refused to eat but the rest of us enjoyed. The other kids were also really sweet about wanting him to have presents, and Deke even wrapped up an old toy for him.

Other than that, we didn't do too much to celebrate. But, we are so proud of and love our little baby boy so much. He's crawling and cruising all the time now (making for a much happier baby now that he has some freedom), loves having his teeth brushed, hanging out with his big sister and brothers, and getting snuggles from mommy and daddy. He is also seeming like more of a toddler and less like a baby each day, as he starts to get into reading books, pretend talking on the phone, and babbling all types of crazy words that only he can understand.

Jasper is also a big kid, just like his siblings. Here are his latest stats:

Birth: 7lbs 12 oz, 21 inches
6 days: 7lbs 5oz (31%)
2 weeks: 8lbs 2oz (37%), 20.5 inches (48%)
1 month: 11lbs 3oz (71%), 21.25 inches (27%)
2 months: 12lbs 15oz (70%), 22.25 inches (18%)
4 months: 16lbs 3oz (63%), 25 inches (38%), 18 inches-head (99%)
6 months: 18lbs 8oz (71%), 26.5 inches (45%), 18 inches-head (97%)
12 months: 26lbs 3oz (97%), 31.25 inches (93%), 19.75 inches (99%)

He's actually taller and bigger than Fletch was at this age, so lord knows how tall he's going to be in a few years, given that Fletch is like a giant these days.

Happy Birthday, my sweet Jasper! I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you.