Thursday, December 29, 2011

Surviving Christmas

After the great chicken pox debacle and then the babies catching colds, we were just trying to survive Christmas this year and make sure Piper and Fletch had fun. I think we succeeded on both counts.

The holiday festivities started on Christmas Eve, when Mom and Danny arrived from Boston. Here we are waiting anxiously for their arrival in the great Christmas shirts I received in a gift exchange with my Moms of Multiples club.

After hanging out with them for a while, Eric's parents came over to celebrate with the babies and then to enjoy a Christmas movie. Everyone had fun.

On Christmas day, Eric and I and then the babies woke up early and watched a little family snuggle time, catching a few minutes of The Muppet Christmas Carol. We also enjoyed a Christmas tradition for breakfast--Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls. Those things are like crack; they are so good and go down so smooth.

As we came off our sugar high, the grandparents came over for present opening. So many gifts, so little time.

First came the stockings...

Then Piper helped pass out some of the boxes that my mom had shipped to us full of presents. Notice all the toys already along the right side of the photo. It's like ToysRUs threw up on our house.

We gave my mom and Eric's mom a photobook of Piper and Fletch's first year. They loved it. I highly recommend it as a good Grandma gift.

The unwrapping continued with all of us in baby jail so that Piper and Fletch wouldn't escape while we drowned in wrapping paper.

Fletch was not that impressed with unwrapping gifts. But, he (and Piper) was darned cute in his Christmas pajamas.

Finally, after several hours of unwrapping, Piper and Fletch went down for a nap, while Eric's dad cooked our delicious dinner.

When Piper and Fletch got up from their naps, they put on their Christmas finery for dinner. Unfortunately, the combination of toddlers who are always on the move, who refuse to let go of the tupperware they found in the cabinet, and who are drooly, snotty messes from their colds means, that it's next to impossible to get a good picture of them both looking at the camera and without any wet spots on their shirts.

After dinner, Piper and Fletch got down to the serious business of playing with their new toys.

So far, the favorite among all the gifts has been the Cozy Coupe. In particular, Piper loves to just sit in there with her beloved tupperware.

That just about sums up Christmas. The babies had fun, and we all got great gifts and got to see family. I'd say we definitely did more than survive Christmas.

Monday, December 19, 2011

'Tis the Season

Yes, 'tis the season for eggnog, yuletides, potato pancakes, and carols. But, did you know it's also the season for chicken pox? Okay, maybe not in your house, but that's the season it has been in our house for the past few weeks. More about that below. But first, some cute pictures. This weekend, we took the babies to see Santa. I'm happy to report, they loved the big guy. See here for yourself...

These pictures melt my heart. I can't stop looking at them and can't believe how big and adorable they are. Sometimes, it's still hard to believe these cuties are mine. I really wish I knew what they were asking Santa for. Hopefully they requested lots more quiet nights and less whining and tantrums--a mom can dream.

Ok, back to chicken pox season. At the end of November, I reported that we took Piper and Fletch for their 15-month appointments and vaccines. All was well when we left the appointment, which was on a Wednesday, but by that following Saturday, Fletch was pretty sick. He spiked a fever, cried inconsolably, and was miserable. He then broke out in a rash on his face. Then, by Monday, Piper came down with the same thing. This was all just a normal reaction to their vaccines, according to our doctor. Tuesday though, is when things started to get crazy.

Eric woke up that morning feeling terrible and stayed home from work. By Wednesday, he too had a rash on his face, hands, and feet that looked just like the babies' rash and just like CHICKEN POX. After several doctor's appointments, it was confirmed that he had developed a reaction to their vaccine and broken out in chicken pox, despite having them as a kid.

We just couldn't believe it. Then, what happened next was even more unbelievable. Eric's mom, who had been watching the kids while they couldn't go to daycare, also got chicken pox. Thankfully, both Dixie and Eric just got mild cases. After about 2 weeks, everyone was back to normal. But, it was the darnedest thing, and it really was horrible for all of us.

That's been our life for the past few weeks. Next up is Hanukkah and Christmas--still so much to do and so little time.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Piper and  Fletch turned 15-months this week, which means we had a pedi appointment (the above pic was obviously taken before they got their shots). Here are their latest stats:

Fletch: 6 months: 27 inches (66%), 18lbs 12oz (68%)
9 months: 28.5 inches (59.9%), 22lbs 7.7oz (79.4%)
12 months: 30.5 inches (74%), 24 lbs 10 oz (76%)
15-months: 31.5 inches (64%), 27 lbs 8.5 oz (86%)

Piper: 6 months: 25 inches (19%), 15lbs 11oz (39%)
9 months: 27.75 inches (57.9%), 17lbs 13.7oz (32.5%)
12 months: 30 inches (79%), 20 lbs 1.9 oz (34%) 

15-months: 31.25 (76%), 23 lbs 1 oz (55%)

As you can see, they've both grown quite a bit over the past three months and made 20 percentage point increases in their weights. They love to eat, took easily to finger foods after they got the hang of it, and, while I'm sure this will change, they aren't that picky. Fletch is definitely his father's son and is built like a barrel. Piper is taller and more slender--I'm going to pretend she gets that from me. 

The doctor said they are both healthy and look great. The only milestone they are a bit behind on his talking, but we're going to keep our eye on it and if they need a little help to get started, we'll do whatever we need.