Sunday, May 5, 2019

Spring Pictures

Here are the kids latest school pictures and class pictures.

(Note that these are just scanned versions because I hate that the school does fall AND spring pictures to try to milk parents out of money so I'm attempting to beat the system here with these scanned versions. And, I didn't get the kids dressed up, again because I hate that we have to do this twice a year.)

Once again, Fletch has an awkward smile. But, he's still my handsome, awesome dude.

Deke's picture is like the picture that comes in a frame when you buy it.

And, classic Piper picture.

Presidential Greeting

Growing up, the most famous people I ever met were a few professional athletes. Our kids apparently live a much fancier childhood than me. Here is our most recent pic of our entire family.

Yes, we had our pic taken with HRC and President Clinton. They were in DC for a talk, and Eric was able to get us in the friends and family line for photos. It was very cool meeting them, with the best part being when Deke gave HRC a huge bear hug like she was another grandma. A very cool night. And, all of those trips to Disney paid off because we had to wait in a long line for the pictures, which was just like the character meet and greets. The kids were so well behaved in line, so thank you Disney for that.

Jasper 15-Months/First Haircut

I'm woefully behind on this blog, so in a minor attempt to catch up, here is a post to make that Jasper turned 15 months. First, his stats:

Birth: 7lbs 12 oz, 21 inches
6 days: 7lbs 5oz (31%)
2 weeks: 8lbs 2oz (37%), 20.5 inches (48%)
1 month: 11lbs 3oz (71%), 21.25 inches (27%)
2 months: 12lbs 15oz (70%), 22.25 inches (18%)
4 months: 16lbs 3oz (63%), 25 inches (38%), 18 inches-head (99%)
6 months: 18lbs 8oz (71%), 26.5 inches (45%), 18 inches-head (97%)
12 months: 26lbs 3oz (97%), 31.25 inches (93%), 19.75 inches (99%)
15 months: 27lbs 12oz (97%), 32.25 inches (86%), 20 inches (99%)

Jasper is more toddler and less baby every day. Still not walking but he's allllmmmooosssttt there. He's climbing on everything, nearly giving us a heart attack daily, and starting to talk more and more. So far his words include Mama, Dadda, Baa, Quack, No, More, Hello, Bottle, and this weird rumbling noise that means Elephant. 

To really bring him into toddlerhood, he got his first haircut a few weeks ago. This picture of him in the chair just kills me. 

And here is the after, on Easter, playing with his new toys from the Easter bunny.

Overall, Jasper is a snuggle bear, full of smiles and babbles, with the occasional whine and baby tantrum thrown in. His favorite person is still Piper, followed closely by Elmo. :) Best of all, Jasper is now sleeping through the night. It was a long, long year of sleepless nights, but we finally bit the bullet and made him cry it out. And, what do you know--he only cried for about 15 minutes for a few nights, and that was that--sleeping through the night. Yay for 15 months!