Monday, September 4, 2017

Fletch's First Lost Tooth

A little over two weeks after Piper lost her first tooth, Fletch's bottom tooth started to get super wiggly. I told Fletch he was probably going to lose it soon, especially because he's had shark teeth on the bottom for a few months.

Then, last night, we hear lots of rumbling coming from their bedroom after they were supposed to be asleep. I started to get angry that they wouldn't just go to bed, and then we hear P&F burst out of their room, and Fletch yell that he lost his tooth. And then Piper yelled that she yanked it out for him.

I couldn't believe it. But, sure enough that's what happened. It was dangling out, and Piper helped him, even though earlier in the day he wouldn't let me touch it. Reason 859 why it's great to have a twin: when your first loose tooth becomes extra wiggly after bedtime, only someone who is your daily partner-in-crime and also recently lost their first tooth will pull it for you.

It was good timing because earlier in the day, Piper had sewed a little tooth fairy pillow with her new sewing machine. 

She let Fletch use it, and the tooth fairy apparently only had $20 to give, so $10 for Fletch's tooth, and a $10 dental fee for Piper's hard work. 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

P&F Turn 7

Piper and Fletch turned 7 this week. Because their birthday was on the third day of school, we kept things low key, with just going out to dinner and then cake and presents at home. We'll have a bigger kid party later in September. And, I'll post an update on their stats and stuff after their check-up later this week.

In the meantime, here are some birthday pics.

Their cakes were complete cake wrecks, but they were still amazed by them.

And, a final video. They are such little cheeses.

First Day of School (2nd Grade/Pre-K)

Last week was the first day of second grade for Piper and Fletch, and Deke started in the pre-k class at Kindercare. How are my babies so old!?! They were all really excited for the big day.

When they got home, they all declared that they had a great day. Both Fletch and Piper's teachers seem great (Ms. Smoot and Ms. Landoll), and Deke has Ms. Roxanna, who he had a few years ago and loved.

We're excited to be back into the routine, but a little sad summer is over.