Friday, September 20, 2013

Deacon: 3 months

I know I'm 10 days late for this, but I did want to record that Deacon turned 3 months. And, just as he turned 3 months, I went back to work. Unlike last time, it was pretty hard going back. He just seems so young and snuggly, and I loved being home with him. But, knowing he's with Claudia most of the week and Eric's mom the other day(s) and getting tons of cuddles made it a little easier.

Deacon's big milestones the past few weeks were smiling and laughing. Oh, he just has a smile that makes Eric and I both grin ear-to-ear. I can't get enough of it, even in the middle of the night (although that may start to get old soon). He also "talks" and is babbling a bit. He loves to have little conversations with you, making all sorts of adorable noises and coo's.

In terms of his schedule, he's eating about 5oz every 3 hours during the day. He goes to bed anywhere from 6:45pm-7:45pm most nights, depending on how much he napped during the day, and he usually goes down easily with no fussing. He's still sleeping swaddles and in the Rock n Play, but we're probably transitioning him soon to a sleep sack and Pack n Play. He usually sleeps until about 2:30am, we feed him, and then he goes back to bed until about 5:30-6:30am, when we start the day and feed him again.

He's such a good little baby. He loves to laugh at P&F, and he puts up with all of their craziness. He goes along happily on our many family adventures to fairs, festivals, museums, etc. He's just a perfect little creature, and we love him so much.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fletch and Piper at Three

6 months: 27 inches (66%), 18lbs 12oz (68%)
9 months: 28.5 inches (59.9%), 22lbs 7.7oz (79.4%)
12 months: 30.5 inches (74%), 24 lbs 10 oz (76%)
15 months: 31.5 inches (64%), 27 lbs 8.5 oz (86%)
18 months: 34 inches (93%), 29 lbs (95%)
21 months: 34 inches (although measured at home so maybe not accurate), 32 lbs (93%)
24 months: 35.75 inches (71%), 33.4 lbs (97%)
30 months: 37 inches (85%), 37 lbs (97%)
36 months: 40 inches (95%), 40 lbs (97%)

6 months: 25 inches (19%), 15lbs 11oz (39%)
9 months: 27.75 inches (57.9%), 17lbs 13.7oz (32.5%)
12 months: 30 inches (79%), 20 lbs 1.9 oz (34%)
15 months: 31.25 (76%), 23 lbs 1 oz (55%) 

18 months: 32.5 inches (73%), 24 lbs (87%)
21 months: 32.5 inches (again, measured at home), 26.4 lbs (63%)
24 months: 34.75 inches (71%), 27.6 lbs (75%)
30 months: 37 inches (85%), 30 lbs (66%)
36 months: 38 inches (74%), 33.5 lbs (76%)


An Interview with Fletch at Three Years Old

Nicknames Fletch, Fletchie-boy

How old are you? 3

What is your favorite color?  Yellow

What is your favorite animal?  Lion

What is your favorite book?  Reading book

What is your favorite TV show?  Cars

What is your favorite movie?  Cars

What is your favorite song?  Hakuna Matata

What is your favorite food?  Pizza

What is your favorite drink?  Milkshake

What is your favorite breakfast food?  Cereal

What is your favorite snack?  Crackers

What is your favorite outfit?  Underwear

What is your favorite game?  Tag

What is your favorite toy?  Trucks

Who is your best friend?  Stephano

What is your favorite thing to do? Swim

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play in the backyard

What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Pillow, blanket and toys 

Where is your favorite place to go? Museum

Where do you want to go on vacation? On Mrs. Bonds’ vacation (preschool summer camp teacher who went on vacation while they were there)

What do you want to be when you grow up? Witch

What did you do on your birthday? Played

An Interview with Piper at Three Years Old

Nicknames: Piper Peppercorn, Sweetheart, Sweetpea

How old are you? 3 years old

What is your favorite color? Purple

What is your favorite animal?  Zebra

What is your favorite book?  A book about sweethearts

What is your favorite TV show?  Diego

What is your favorite movie?  Lion King

What is your favorite song?  Old MacDonald

What is your favorite food?  Strawberry ice cream

What is your favorite drink?  Milkshake

What is your favorite breakfast food?  Bacon

What is your favorite snack? Granola bars

What is your favorite game?  I spy with my little eye

What is your favorite toy?  Dollie

Who is your best friend?  Mommy

What is your favorite thing to do? Play with mommy

What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play in the backyard

What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Dollie, bear, blankie

Where is your favorite place to go? Play area

Where do you want to go on vacation? Anywhere

What do you want to be when you grow up? Farmer

What did you do on your birthday? Blew the candles out

Monday, September 2, 2013

Birthday Celebration

It's hard to believe but last Friday, Piper and Fletch turned 3 years old. I'll have a couple of posts on this, but first up, here's a look at what we did to celebrate.

The day started with Piper and Fletch seeing their Lightning McQueen and Strawberry Shortcake balloons. Really, I think we could have skipped every other part of their birthday and just gotten them the balloons because they loved them so much.

After that, they enjoyed some Krispy Kreme birthday donuts for breakfast and then hit the road. The plan was to take the kids on their first Metro ride and go to the Building Museum. It all worked out perfect.

They loved riding the train.

The museum was really cool. They have two exhibits for kids: Play, Work, Build, and the Building Zone. Piper and Fletch just loved it. Piper especially loved the big blue blocks. I think she could have stayed there playing for hours.

After exhausting ourselves in the museum, it was time for lunch. A local BBQ restaurant has a pop-up stand set up outside the museum, so we enjoyed a little picnic. Piper really did like lunch, even if she was pretending to be mad in this picture.

Then it was time to head back to the Metro station. By then, we were all hot and tired. Piper and Fletch were moving at a snail's pace. It was obvious they had a good time but needed a nap, which is exactly what they did when they got home.

With naps behind them, it was time for the birthday party. Eric's parents came over and we started by opening presents. So.many.presents. It was like Christmas. All these new toys should keep them busy for a while.

After presents, we ate dinner on the deck, and then had cake. (Yes, this cake is huge. Yes, it's from Costco, and fed 48 people and we only had 4 adults, 2 toddlers, and 1 infant. But, I just had to try Costco cake and this seemed like as good of a time as any.)

Once again, P&F were properly sugar-dosed so we burned off some energy in the backyard and then it was time for bed. The end to a fantastic celebration of two terrific kids.

3-Year Pictures

On Saturday, we had Piper and Fletch's 3-year pictures taken. So much change between these pictures and the past two years (see those pics here and here). I love how they turned out.