Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Too Excited to Sleep

A few years ago, Disney had a commercial where the kids were too excited to sleep because they were leaving for vacation the next day. I think that same sentiment--too excited to sleep--has hit the babies. Recently, they have just been too excited about the world around them to take naps or sleep through the night. Sure, we occassionally get a full night's sleep out of them, but that hasn't been the norm for a while. Their sleep has also been plagued by RSV, teething, the full moon (I swear it affects their sleep cycles), and new milestones like teething and learning to roll over.

The babies don't seem particularly bothered by this newfound insomnia, but Eric and I are suffering. With so little sleep for us, it's hard to find the motivation for anything beyond just getting through work, a tiny bit of exercise, and watching TV. While this sleep deprivation has led to us walking around like zombies, it's also meant that we have had lots of great times with Piper and Fletch. They have started solid foods, and Fletch just loves them. Most of you that know me know my love for dip and how I may have in the past eaten enough to be sick--that's the way Fletch is with solids. He could easily keep eating until his belly aches. Piper, on the other hand, hasn't taken to solids quite as quickly, but she's catching on. Both babies are also getting lots better at tummy time, holding toys (especially Piper), and babbling. It's just too cute.

In addition to eating, playing, and not sleeping, the babies also just had an exciting visit from my mom this past weekend. We had a great time with her, although Fletch chose Saturday to begin teething and was particularly fussy. Thankfully he recovered on Sunday and was his normal, adorable self.

That's the latest around here. When I get more pictures from my mom from this past weekend, I'll try to post them.

That's the latest around here. If anyone has any good sleep tips, we'd love to hear them.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

5-Months Old

There are two things I can't believe right now. The first one is how bad I have been at blogging regularly. I really need to get better about it. Second, I can't believe how big the babies are getting. They turned 5-months on January 30. They are starting to seem less like babies and more like little people every day.

We've had a pretty good few weeks. In early January, I went back to work, so Piper and Fletch started going to Grandma's house two days a week and to a small, in-home daycare on the other three days. So far, this arrangement seems to be working well. We're all still adjusting to the routine and it's hard to leave them, but they come home happy every day (at least until bedtime), so that makes things a bit easier.

At daycare, they are apparently learning tons. Just a few days ago, Piper rolled over for the first time, and tonight, Fletch rolled from his tummy to his back for the first time. They'll be crawling before we know it. They also are starting to take a real interest in playing with books and toys. Fletch is our little bookworm. He loves being read to. They also love the little "phone" that my mom gave them, and they are starting to get the hang of their jumperoo and exersaucer. It's so cute to watch them explore everything, especially when they start their yelling, giggling, and laughing. Eric and I can't get enough of those crazy smiles and noises.

While they have been doing great at playing, growing, and all that other baby stuff, they also experienced their first baby colds. They both got RSV, and then it spread around to us adults. The babies did okay with it and just required some nebulizer treatments. I think it was harder for the adults who got it. Thankfully, we're all on the mend now. The only thing still suffering is their routine. They've gotten so off schedule and aren't sleeping well at night. Hopefully that will change soon. If you see me walking around like a zombie, it's because I'm up all night doing laps between our bedroom and Fletch's crib.

That's the latest on the babies. I promise to try harder to post more often.