Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Weekend

We had a great Halloween weekend. On Saturday, Eric and I went to the Jon Stewart rally on the Mall, while the babies spent time at Eric's parents' house. Today, the babies went trick or treating, as you can see from these pictures. Piper is a pumpkin princess and Fletch is a skeleton. The neighbors were all really excited to see Piper and Fletcher, and we got some candy in the process--a win-win for everyone. :)
The only thing missing from this weekend was the Marine Corps Marathon. Eric and I met while marathon training in 2003, so the race is a big part of our lives. But, for obvious reasons (and very good reasons) we weren't able to train this year, so we were a bit sad about missing it. But, we vow to be back next year for MCM 2011.
When I get the photos, I'll post pictures and a recap from my mom's visit. She came last week to see the babies and help out, and it was so wonderful having her here.

A big week ahead for us. Tomorrow, we have the babies 2-month doctor's appointment; on Tuesday, we're going to visit my friends from ICF; and on Friday, my friends from Woburn are coming for a weekend visit. Yay for lots to do!

Friday, October 22, 2010

AC Visit

No, we didn't visit Atlantic City...we have a visit from Auntie Corinne (my dad's sister) and her boyfriend Fred. They spent a few days with us and got to meet the babies and see our house. It was a perfect visit, and it even gave me time to get out and do a few errands while they had QT (quality time) with Piper and Fletcher at home. We were sad to see them go, but hopefully, Eric and I will make a roadtrip to Boston sometime early next year.

Other than this visit, there haven't been too many big things going on with the babies. Our only news is that Fletch has nearly doubled his birth weight! I brought him to the pedi today because he was having some stomach issues, and they weighed him. He weighed 10lbs14oz. Wow! Guess the stomach issues aren't impairing his calorie intake. :) We're so glad he's growing well. On November 1, we have their 2-month pedi visit, and we'll see then how Piper is doing. She seems to be growing well, but she's still our little peanut and weighs quite a bit less than Fletch. But, she's still cute as ever!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend Review

This is the first of our weekend review posts. (I have to give credit to my friend Mandy for the idea because she does it on her own blog.) We had a pretty good weekend.

Saturday: We hung out at home and recovered from the week, gave the babies baths, and then my friends Erin and Tim (my friends from Colgate) and their kids came over to visit with the babies. Not only did their kids hold the babies for us for a while, but they also brought us two awesome chicken pot pies. We were supposed to eat one right away and freeze the other for future consumption, but they were too good and we've nearly finished both of them.

Sunday: Eric and I took the babies for a walk around Huntley Meadows Park and then Eric's parents came over for a while to watch the babies while Eric and I went to the grocery store. In the evening, Eric's friends Jeanette and Keith came over and brought us more awesome food--baked ziti. We had a great time catching up with them.

So, all in all a great weekend. Now it's onto the work week tomorrow. The babies seem to be going through a bit of a growth spurt/fussy period, so I'm hoping they aren't too crazed this week. Nothing too exciting planned beyond starting physical therapy for my knee so I can get it back in shape again. I've also started to get back to running--I did two VERY SLOW miles on the treadmill this weekend.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Maybe Next Year

I wasn't sure whether to title this post "Maybe Next Year" or one of the following alternate titles:

1. Love that Muddy Water
2. Born Into It
3. Stupid Red Sox

If you prefer one of these other titles, let me know. In any case, here is a photo of the babies in their first Red Sox gear. These photos are are a few days late since the season is over, but they are still adorable. I think they are discussing the 2011 prospects in a few of them.

We've had a few good days here. Yesterday, we went walking in Huntley Meadows Park and had lots of awake time at home to read books, sing, dance, etc. Today, we've had this photo session and done some reading. We've been battling some minor reflux issues, but hopefully the new medicine we got will help and we'll all have a good weekend. Happy Columbus Day!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Visit 2.0

A few weeks ago, we had a post titled "Happy Visit" that was about a several-day visit from my mom. This post is "Happy Visit 2.0" because it's about a visit from Eric's parents. This weekend, Eric's parents came to take care of the babies for several hours on Sunday so Eric and I could get out of the house. This isn't their first visit by any means but this is the first one where Fletch got a book read to him, and we got a cute picture. Here he is learning about sea creatures. Between this and his underwater-themed nursery, he'll be ready for scuba diving in no time at all.