Thursday, January 15, 2015

Deacon's First Haircut

We decided that the new year meant that Deacon should get a new hairdo--his first haircut ever. Since he was just a few months old, Deacon has had some seriously awesome curls, but they were getting a little out of hand. Here are his before shots.

I was sad to see his curls go because we always felt like the "essence of Deke" was captured in that amazing hair. But, we brought him to Cartoon Cuts anyway. I was a little nervous going into it because Deacon doesn't usually like things like this, but he did great, even with a split lip from tripping in the play area a few minutes earlier and a bump on his forehead from a collision earlier in the day with a wall corner.

Getting a good "after" picture was like trying to take a picture of a bullet, so we don't really have one that accurately captures how handsome he looks now.

But, believe me, he still looks adorable...maybe even more adorable. And, he seems happier and like he knows that he's now a big boy. I may have shed a tear when those first locks fell to the floor but now I can't stop looking at my little handsome boy.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Pre-K Pictures

Piper and Fletch go to pre-K at a Kindercare near our house. After a TERRIBLE experience at their first preschool (Rose Hill Academy), we love this school, which they started about a year ago. They have learned so much, have so much fun, and have teachers that truly care about them.

Here are some pictures of them at school (sent home by their teachers) and some of their work from the past few months.

Fletch takes Phonics class twice a week, to help with his fine motor skills. He LOVES it.
This was his initial assessment going into the class of all that he knew.

Piper loves to draw and work on her handwriting.

I love this picture that Piper drew of herself.

We are so lucky that a friend referred us to Kindercare because Piper and Fletch have gotten so much out of it. These pictures are just a small sample of the things they bring home and have done for the past 12 months.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Christmas 2014

The past few weeks have been filled with joy (Christmas) and pain (bronchitis, sinus infections, chest colds, etc.) and I've fallen behind on this blog. So, in order to catch up a little bit, I'm just going to post these Christmas photos so we can then move into 2015.

Christmas Eve, turning on a DVD of Frosty the Snowman

Setting out cookies and carrots for Santa.

Hanging some final ornaments on the tree.

Christmas morning! Let the present opening mayhem begin!

Christmas day iteslf was a little chaotic with three kids tearing into gifts, no naps, lots of sugar, and new toys that needed to be put together RIGHT NOW, but it was awesome seeing the holiday through the kids' eyes. Next year will be even better when Deke is a bit more sentient to understand what's going on. 

Hope you all enjoyed your holiday season!