Sunday, April 23, 2017

Easter 2017

After a harrowing week of Fletch and Deacon have stomach flu, we had a fabulous Easter last weekend. The weather was hot but beautiful, and the kids still fully believe in the magic of the Easter bunny.  Plus, it included lots of Cadbury mini eggs for me, so that always makes for a winning weekend.

We started with coloring eggs on Saturday. This is always a huge pain in the rear for me, but the kids love it. (Also, not to self for next year, buy vinegar before coloring eggs because the dye doesn't work as well without it.)

On Sunday, the kids were up early to get their Easter baskets and see if the bunny ate the carrots they left out for him.

Then, they got dressed in their Easter finest, and we made a trip to the playground to burn off some sugar/energy.

Then, Eric's parents came over for dinner and an egg hunt. Before they came over, Deke was telling me that he doesn't like mint ice cream (me either, bud) and made a funny face. It was the same exact face Eric's mom makes. I made them do it together when they arrived.

And then, magically, the Easter bunny dropped eggs in the yard for the kids to find. They LOVED it. 

It was a beautiful day, so after the eggs were found, they stayed outside playing with bubbles. Always a favorite.

When they were done with that, it was time for dinner. We at delicious grilled steaks on the deck. And pie. Lots of pie. Which required another trip to the backyard after to burn off the last of their energy, playing with Eric's parents.

Finally, it was evening and everyone (including Eric and me) were exhausted. We all crashed into bed, and were so thankful for such a fun day. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Cherry Blossoms 2017

Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. I guess it's been the winter doldrums--just busy with work, school, etc. without much blog-worthy going on--until last weekend. Fletch and I went down to see the cherry blossoms, which are pretty much my favorite thing ever. Here are the few pics.

It was so nice to get that time with just him. He loved walking and looking for ducks. I loved getting to see the trees. No one was complaining or crying (cough,coughPipercoughcough). We just walked and talked for about 45 minutes. Perfection!