Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Columbus Day Pumpkins: The Tradition Lives On

As usual on Columbus Day weekend, we kept up with tradition and got pumpkins. 

P&F weren't too sure about what to do when I told them we were going to a "pumpkin patch" leading to two funnies from them. First, when we got to the farmstand, there were pumpkins on the ground decorating the pathways. Fletch kept picking them up and putting them in the big pile of pumpkins. When I asked what he was doing, he said he was building a pumpkin patch. He didn't understand that you get pumpkins from a pumpkin patch, not put pumpkins in the patch. Also, when we arrived, Piper asked me, “Where is the pumpkin patch?” I said, “Right here, see all the pumpkins.” She said, “How will I put the pumpkins over my eye?” She thought we were going to get a “pumpkin patch” to put over her eye like the pirate patch from their pirate costume.

We had a ton of fun getting our pumpkins, and I'm so happy that this tradition lives on.

Deacon: 4-Months

Deacon turned 4-months last week. It's hard to believe he's already that old. With P&F, it seemed like it took forever to hit the 4-month park, but now time is just flying. Here are his stats:

Birth: 7lbs 9oz, 20.5 inches
2 weeks: 8lbs 9oz (49%), 20.25 inches (32%)
1 month: 10lbs 8oz (66%), 21 inches (31%)
2 months: 13lbs 1.6oz (70%), 23 inches (47%)
4 months: 15lbs 13oz (61%), 25 inches (46%)

As you can see, he's growing pretty well. He's also turning into quite a ham and just gives you the biggest and cutest smiles. 

Other than smiling, lots of babbling and "talking," and even some laughing, no huge developments this month. He's still on a 3-hour eating schedule during the day. At night, he's now down to usually just one feed sometime between 2:30-4am. Up until recently, he was still sleeping in his rock and play, but we've since moved him to the pack and play because we were finding in rolled up like a shrimp in the RNP, and that didn't seem too safe or comfortable. We're also weaning him off the swaddle. Tonight is the first night, so wish us luck.

Overall, Deacon is just a wonderful little baby. Eric and I often call him MVB or most valuable baby. He just goes along with anything and everything. Piper and Fletch love him a lot, and he even lets him do this every once in a while.

Although sometimes, I think he's looking to us to rescue him:

With P&F, we started solids at 5 months. I don't know if we'll do that with Deacon, but we'll see. I'm not sure if I'm ready to let my little baby do something so "grown up" as eat people food yet. He's just so cute and cuddly--don't grow up too fast, little boy!