Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tradition Continues

For the 30-something year in a row, Columbus Day weekend has been the time to buy pumpkins in my family. Yesterday, we carried on that tradition with the kids, just as we did the past two years.

This year, they had a great time playing around in the tunnels, climbing around the haystacks, and picking out their own pumpkins. Much better than the first year when they were floppy luggage and last year when they were Piper had the stink eye and pouted the whole time. This is truly one of my favorite holidays.

Fall Festival

We attended a kids fall festival a few weekends ago. It was the perfect toddler activity: started early in the morning and had trains, petting zoo, bounce houses, the Great Zucchini (look him up--he's quite the celeb with the toddler set), ice cream, fire trucks, trains, ambulances, buses, etc. We only got a few pics, but it really was the perfect day.