Sunday, June 22, 2014

Deacon: One Year Pictures

Despite the fact that he had a cold and a (treated) case of pink eye, Deacon was a trooper and held it together for us to get his one-year pictures taken yesterday. I think they came out pretty darned cute. Enjoy.


Overall, the session went great. The last few pics we tried to take were on the stool shown above. However, Deke fell off and face-planted on the ground. The led to huge tears. We attempted to take a few more shots, and then all were pretty pitiful after that and looked like this. 

Poor guy. We ended the photo session after that and just had lots of cuddles and snuggles to make up for my bad idea of using the stool. All in all, he is such a handsome guy with some great photos. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Deacon: One Year Old

As you saw in the last post, Deacon had his first birthday. 

He's a growing boy and slowly but surely becoming a toddler. Here are his latest stats:

Birth: 7lbs 9oz, 20.5 inches
2 weeks: 8lbs 9oz (49%), 20.25 inches (32%)
1 month: 10lbs 8oz (66%), 21 inches (31%)
2 months: 13lbs 1.6oz (70%), 23 inches (47%)
4 months: 15lbs 13oz (61%), 25 inches (46%)
6 months: 18 lbs 9oz (71%), 27 inches (68%)
9 months: 21 lbs 15oz (85%), 28.5 inches (57%)
12 months: 23lbs 1oz (76%), 29.75 inches (43%)

While I know he's getting older, he's still a bit behind on some milestones, so he seems like a baby in many ways, which I don't mind because it means more baby snuggles and smiles and less toddler tantrums and mood swings. Deacon still isn't crawling, pulling up, or even close to walking. He's in weekly physical therapy for "low tone," to help with all this, and I suspect in the new week or two, we'll have a crawler on our hands.He works so hard in PT, and you can tell he really wants to be mobile. He does roll and army crawl, and can make it across the room in two seconds flat.

While Deacon may not be on the move, he is starting to do better with eating finger foods. As of yesterday, he's officially off formula (except his bedtime bottle) and onto whole milk and finger foods. We'll see how it goes, since he really LOVE his bottle and formula. 

Speaking of things Deacon loves, he loves to "talk. He will banter back and forth with us and babble all day long. Eric and I also hear him "sing" to music, and we swear he is singing "Let it Go" every so often. I really need to record that and let all of you decide if that's what he is singing or not.

Overall, Deacon is still our MVB and just the best baby ever. So sweet, so snuggly, so cute. I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy Birthday, Deacon!

I can't believe it but Deacon turns one year old today. The past year has flown by so quickly. Deacon, someday when you are older and read this, I want you to know that you're mama's little angel, and while we may not always be able to give you the attention you deserve, we love you so, so much.

Okay, enough of the sappy stuff. We're sort of doing a bunch of birthday celebrations this week. We kick-started it on Sunday with Eric's parents. We began with dinner and cake.

Deacon LOVED cake. For a boy who doesn't really eat any solids, he certainly found a way to get all that yummy goodness into his mouth.

We then moved onto presents. Deacon got lots of good stuff from us and Eric's parents. 

By the time we were done unwrapping, Deacon had enough. He had a big day of his first swimming trip and lots of outdoor time, so he was exhausted and ready for bed.

That was all on Sunday. This morning was his real birthday. We got a few cute pictures of him after he woke up.

Tonight, we'll do cake and candles again and give Deacon extra snuggles to show him how much we love him and are so happy we've all survived the past year's chaos. And then, our next celebration will be over the weekend when my mom comes to visit. Deke is a lucky boy to have so many parties. And, we're a lucky family to have our "MVB" (most valuable baby).