Sunday, December 13, 2015

Seeing the Big Man

It's been an exhausting weekend, between dance class, picking up a new-to-us stroller (after our old stroller was stolen while at the zoo :( last weekend), buying and decorating a Christmas tree, getting cookies for Piper's Girl Scout cookie exchange, me working, grocery shopping, etc.

Even with all that, we did manage to squeeze in a visit to see Santa. The kids were so good in line during the one hour wait (and that was even with arriving there 20 minutes before opening). And, they were so happy to meet him. Deke was most excited, which was just adorable. But, that excitement meant that no one could sit still long enough to get a pic of all of them looking at the camera at the same time. It still came out really cute.

Piper asked Santa for a holiday Barbie doll, Barbie house, hair accessories, legos, and a tree house. Fletch wants an Imaginext dinosaur and Iron Man hand. Deke wants "blue presents."

We just finished celebrating Hanukkah, and now we're slowly getting into the Christmas spirit here. This December is flying by.

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