Friday, November 6, 2015

Super Halloween

We had a super Halloween this year. Not only was it a super good time, but we also had a blast with our superhero themed costumes.

The fun started with the Fall Festival at P&F's school. They had games and bounce houses. It was terrific seeing all the kids that Piper and Fletch know already.

That was about a week before Halloween. On the Thursday before Halloween, my office was supposed to have a costume contest, and my coworkers swore they'd wear costumes that day. Here is what I wore.

Joke was on me though because I was the only one who showed up that morning in a costume, and I had no other clothes with me. Pretty embarrassing, but I survived and rocked the costume, and everyone got a kick out of it.

Finally, the big day arrived. We all went ToTing dressed like this.

I LOVED having a family costume. It was so fun, and made me feel like a kid again. And, isn't that part of why you have your own children--so you can relive part of your youth!?! We got a ton of candy, impressed lots of neighbors, and just had a really special Halloween. I can't wait to to do it again next year.

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