Monday, April 30, 2018

Deke School Pics (and Piper pic)

Deacon's time at Kindercare is coming to an end in a few months, since he'll be going off to kindergarten (my baby!). Here are his last Kindercare pics.

I love these pictures so much. He looks like such a sweetheart, even if the cap and gown is cheesy. 

And, finally, here is a picture of Piper and Eric. This is totally unrelated to the other pics, but I just needed a place to put it. Eric and Piper did a ropes course together with her Brownie troop a few weeks ago. Piper LOVED the course and doing with Eric. She said it was "absolutely amazing," so we have to capture it here.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Zoo Time with Deke

This week, Eric was away on a work trip, so mom came to visit and help me out. It was so great to have her here and spend time together. The best thing we did was take Deacon to the zoo for a special fun day.

Since Jasper arrived, Deke's been having a bit of a hard time adjusting to no longer being the baby in the family. We've been trying to give him extra special attention, and since P&F went on a field trip to the zoo a few weeks ago, we decided it would be nice to give Deke a trip there of his own (okay, Jasper came too but he slept 95% of the time). Here are some pics.

The gorilla on the left is holding her newborn baby, born just a few days before we visited.

Here is my favorite picture from our time together.

It was such an amazing day with Deacon. He's like a different kid when he's one-on-one. We had so much fun laughing, eating ice cream, and watching him enjoy all of the animals. I am so happy mom and I got to make him feel special and have such a great time with him.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Easter/Jasper at 2 Months

This week, we celebrated Jasper turning 2-months old and Easter. Jasper came first.

Here are his stats:

Birth: 7lbs 12 oz, 21 inches
6 days: 7lbs 5oz (31%)
2 weeks: 8lbs 2oz (37%), 20.5 inches (48%)
1 month: 11lbs 3oz (71%), 21.25 inches (27%)
2 months: 12lbs 15oz (70%), 22.25 inches (18%)

He's doing great, although in the past week, he's developed some cradle cap and eczema on his perfect little face. Other than that, he's terrific. Sleep is getting better (although a little off the past few days because he's been fussy since his vaccines on Tuesday), he's starting to coo and smile, and he's way, way less fussy all day long. And, he is doing much better in the car, and we can actually take him places now. Yay!

While Jasper is doing great, he didn't have much appreciation for Easter. However, the big kids were so excited and had a great day. The Easter Bunny came and brought them baskets full of goodies, and they brought in quite a half haul from the egg hunt in our yard and in our neighborhood. Here are the pics.

Here is the last picture of Sheep Sheep, the stuffie that Piper won at the Easter egg hunt, said she didn't want, traded for a bunny, and then threw a huge tantrum when we left and she decided she actually did want Sheep Sheep.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this picture.

It was a wonderful holiday, and we all had fun. I can't wait until next year when maybe Jasper will be walking and can help with the egg hunting. :)