Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Sibling Love

While the day of Jasper's arrival was awesome, nothing tops the moment when the big kids met Jasper. They were immediately in love. I think the pictures really tell the whole story....

Jasper Max

I know this is a few weeks’ late, but we’re happy to announce that Jasper Max arrived at 12:22pm on January 31, 2018, weighing 7lbs 12oz and 21 inches long. I really didn’t think it would happen but I made it to my scheduled c-section at 38 weeks, 5 days, and he was born happy and healthy. Here is the story….

The day of the c-section started out crazy, although I guess that I should have expected that. As we were trying to get ready to leave for school and the hospital, Piper started complaining about a stomachache and insisting that she was going to throw up. OMG, worst nightmare. We didn’t know what to do, but made the executive decision to send her to school because we didn’t really have a choice, and we didn't know if she was actually sick. 

Then, as we were leaving, I turned on the ceiling fan in the bedroom because I was hot, and it made a loud pop noise and started smoking...a lot. Ugh, just what we needed. Thankfully, we figured out how to turn it off and stop the smoke. Finally, we were out the door to drop the kids at school, and then head to the hospital. 

When we arrived at the hospital, pre-op was fine but my BP was high even after taking my morning blood pressure meds. The doctors said they weren’t worried so I tried not to worry either. We waited around in the pre-op area, and then around 11:30am, they wheeled me into the OR. 

As soon as I got on the table in the OR and they gave me the spinal, my blood pressure spiked while my pulse went way down into the 40s. They gave me meds to help, but I basically spent the rest of the time fluctuating between feeling about to pass-out and slurring words and acting drunk. Thankfully though that meant no time to be nervous. After they got me all prepped, Eric came in, and about 30 minutes later, I felt some pressure on my belly and then heard a big cry. Jasper had arrived in all his spikey haired glory! 

While Jasper sounded strong, the NICU nurses in the OR immediately could tell that he needed some help breathing and getting fluid and gunk out of his lungs. They worked on him for a while and then let us hold him, taking him back a few minutes later so they could give him oxygen and monitor him. After a bit, they declared him stable, and Eric and Jasper were sent off to recovery while they finished stitching me up.  

The rest of my procedure went fine, and they eventually wheeled me into recovery. But, of course, as soon I got there, Eric got a message from his parents that the school called and asked them to pick up Piper because she was sick. What terrible timing?!? Thankfully, as soon as she got home, she was fine, but really not what we needed.  

While Eric was figuring all of that out in recovery, Jasper and I began having trouble. He kept desat-ing, and I kept feeling like I was about to pass out as my BP continued to go up. After trying to take care of both of us in recovery, the doctors decided that Jasper needed to go to the NICU for monitoring, a chest x-ray, and blood work to make sure he was okay. Eric went with him, while I stayed in recovery for a few more hours. Finally, around 5pm, they transferred me to my room, as my blood pressure started to come down with the help of some meds.

We didn’t get to really see Jasper until Thursday morning, He thankfully just had to spend two nights in the NICU. It was so weird being there after my c-section but without a baby. But, I can’t say enough good things about the NICU doctors and nurses. They took such good care of Jasper. 

The rest of my recovery in the hospital was fine—a few bumps in the road but nothing major. Like Jasper, I had amazing doctors and nurses too. We stayed in the hospital for 4 nights, and it was so nice having that time with just the baby to focus on him. Now, we’re home and adjusting to life as a family of 6. Jasper is happy, healthy (spitxmillion), and we’re so glad he’s here. 

And, finally, here’s what you’ve probably been waiting for…pictures!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Quick Christmas Pic

I've fallen so behind on the blog due to crazy work stuff in December and then all the complications I had along the way with my pregnancy in late December and into January. Now that I'm on maternity leave (more about our new arrival in another post), I am hoping to catch up. So, first thing is to just get our Santa picture on the blog for posterity. Here is it:

Christmas was a bit crazy. About 2 weeks before Christmas, I was admitted to the hospital for high blood pressure. I was released 2 days later, but on restricted activity at home, and told not to go out or do anything I didn't have to do. So, Eric had to become superdad (or even more super than his normal superdad self) and take over. That meant that the kids got to see Santa, but without the outfits that I normally would pick for them. But, I think their adorable smiles and the fact that they are all looking at the camera more than make up for that. I love this picture so much.

Our Christmas was good--the kids played so nice with all of their new toys and we all enjoyed ourselves. And, our New Year's was awesome--we went to Medieval Times, and had a blast. Perfect way to celebrate that night as a family.

Okay, okay, we have much bigger and more exciting blog posts to come, so I'll end this here. Hopefully I'll get the next post up in the next day or so.