Here are his 4-year stats:
Birth: 7lbs 9oz, 20.5 inches
2 weeks: 8lbs 9oz (49%), 20.25 inches (32%)1 month: 10lbs 8oz (66%), 21 inches (31%)
2 months: 13lbs 1.6oz (70%), 23 inches (47%)
4 months: 15lbs 13oz (61%), 25 inches (46%)
6 months: 18 lbs 9oz (71%), 27 inches (68%)
9 months: 21 lbs 15oz (85%), 28.5 inches (57%)
12 months: 23lbs 1oz (76%), 29.75 inches (43%)
15 months: 25lbs 0.9oz (81%), 31.5 inches (73%)
18 months: 25lbs 11oz (71%), 32.75 inches (63%)
24 months: 30.5lbs (87%), 36.25 inches (91%)
30 months: 33.5lbs (85%), 37.75 inches (90%)
36 months: 36.5lbs (89%), 39 inches (87%)
4 years old: 38lbs (68%), 42 inches (85%)
On Saturday (his actual birthday), we took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese because they had all been begging after seeing commercials about the "40 years of fun." We didn't take any pictures there, but we all had fun. I channeled my inner Al Funderburg and won a million tickets playing skeeball. Now I see why he was always willing to play that with me as a kid--it's fun even as an adult. I have to say, CEC wasn't as germ-infested as I would have imagined, and the pizza was actually pretty good. Anyway, we all enjoyed it. We came home after that, and Eric's parents came over for dinner and cake and opening gifts.
On Sunday, Deke had his friend birthday party. It was awesome and Deke said it was "superfun." Here are some pics.
It was great seeing Deke with all of his little friends from Kindercare. The theme was dragons, although on Saturday, Deke had a meltdown that the theme wasn't going to be rainbows, and we had to commission art from Piper to draw pictures of rainbows to use as decor around the house. Oh, Deke. Thank goodness you have an artist for a sister.
Finally, here is the yearly kid interview. Not much has changed since last year, except now Deke wants to be a "cooker" when he grows up, otherwise known as a chef. I can't wait to see all he does.
Nicknames: Deke
How old are you? 4
What is your favorite
color? Golden and red
What is your favorite
animal? Dragon
What is your favorite
book? Lion King
What is your favorite
TV show? Skylander
What is your favorite
movie? Lion King
What is your favorite
song? Go Go Power Rangers theme song
What is your favorite
food? Candy
What is your favorite
drink? Orange juice
What is your favorite
breakfast food? Watermelon
What is your favorite
snack? Candy
What is your favorite
game? Doggie, Doggie Fetch
Your Bone
What is your favorite
toy? Whatever toy someone is using
Who is your best
friend? Jacob
What is your favorite
thing to do? Go to the potty
What is your favorite
thing to do outside? Pool
What is your favorite
holiday? Halloween
What do you like to
take to bed with you at night? Piper
Where is your favorite
place to go? Toys R Us
Where do you want to
go on vacation? National
What do you want to be
when you grow up? Cooker
What did you do on
your birthday? Played
There you have it. Deke's birthday in a nutshell!