Sunday, December 14, 2014

Saw the Big Man

We took the kids to visit Santa yesterday at Pentagon City Mall. P&F were in complete awe. I think this will be one of the magical Christmas' for them because they are at the perfect age.

Fletch couldn't believe it when Santa said that he had seen both Planes movies and knew about Cabbie--the toy that Fletch asked for. Piper was tickled pink when Santa read the letter that she wrote him. It was pretty cool. Deke shed a few tears and then warmed up enough to Santa to not cry the entire time.

Here is the final product from the visit.

We have one smiling child, one stoic child, and one with a big, toothy grin/doing something weird with his bottom teeth--all three very excited for Christmas.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Deke: 18-months

This little guy turned 18-month yesterday. Where is the time going!?! Here are his latest stats:

Birth: 7lbs 9oz, 20.5 inches
2 weeks: 8lbs 9oz (49%), 20.25 inches (32%)
1 month: 10lbs 8oz (66%), 21 inches (31%)
2 months: 13lbs 1.6oz (70%), 23 inches (47%)
4 months: 15lbs 13oz (61%), 25 inches (46%)
6 months: 18 lbs 9oz (71%), 27 inches (68%)
9 months: 21 lbs 15oz (85%), 28.5 inches (57%)
12 months: 23lbs 1oz (76%), 29.75 inches (43%)
15 months: 25lbs 0.9oz (81%), 31.5 inches (73%)
18 months: 25lbs 11oz (71%), 32.75 inches (63%)

The doctor said, despite nursing a little cold, that he's happy and healthy. He has about 5-10 words--all of which sort of sound the same but that's normal at this age. He has also a lot of separation anxiety and stranger danger, which is also appropriate at this age. Thankfully, it also peaks at 18 months, which means at some point in the near future, I might be able to leave the room when Deke is awake. Right now, he cries big, fat tears if we even turn our back to walk out. Poor little guy.

The big thing that we're still working on is walking, but he's making a huge amount of progress. He got braces for his ankles due to his low muscle tone about a month ago. Since then, he's become much more sure of himself on his feet. And then, this happened over the weekend:

Not walking has left Deke really frustrated and cranky, so between that, having four teeth coming in, and his separation anxiety, he is pretty ornery lately. But, overall, he's my little cuddle-bug, and we love him so much. Next up for him--a haircut. That will probably be his biggest milestone yet since the essence of Deke is really captured in his crazy hair but it's getting a bit out of control.