Saturday, July 19, 2014

Watch Out World!

He took a little while to get started, but Deke is off and running (ok, crawling).

Around 9 months, Deacon had very little interest in being mobile and was just barely sitting up on his own, so we called Early Intervention. We had such a great experience with them when P&F were slightly delayed with their speech. They did an evaluation, and Deke qualified for physical therapy services.

He's been getting PT for about 2 months (although the first month was kind of a wash becuse the therapist wasn't great but our new one is awesome). Now, at 13 months, he's crawling, pulling up onto his knees, and catching up to his peers. The only ones not happy about this milestone are Piper and Fletch. There is a near constant chorus of "GET HIM AWAY" as Deacon lunges toward their toys, blocks, etc.

The other thing we're working on in PT is eating finger foods. Until recently, Deacon had almost zero interest in anything other than puffs. We saw the pediatrician this past week, and he'd only gained an ounce in a month. However, Deacon must of have known we meant business because in the past few days, he's started eating pancakes, bananas, and other foods. Yay for progress!

So, with that, all I have to say is "watch out world"! Dekey-boy Chickenpants (as Piper calls him) is up and moving.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Independence Day

I can't believe July 4th has come and gone. This summer is going way too fast. At least we had a good holiday. We started the day at Mount Vernon's July 4th celebration, where after being in the car for a long time trying to find parking, we finally made it inside and the kids got to burn off some energy.

Isn't that what childhood is all about? Just running and running without a care in the world? Or, taking the time to sit on the grass and enjoy the beautiful weather.

After burning off some energy, we posed for a few more pics before heading over to the daytime fireworks.

The fireworks were decent for being in the daytime, although Fletch declared them too loud. After that, it was home for naps and relaxing before the nighttime show. In the evening, we headed downtown to Eric's parents' house. We all went to dinner together and then walked to our "spot" where we've watched the fireworks from the Mall for years.

Fletch was a bit nervous about the possibility of the loud noise, and once the fireworks started, both and Piper spent the whole time with their hands over their ears. But, they still declared the fireworks "beautiful" and "sparkling." Deacon did great too, until the last few minutes when he declared himself done for the day. It was 3 hours past his bedtime, so I don't blame him. We brought everyone home, where we all enjoyed the freedom of a good night's sleep. Another great holiday in the books.