Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Deacon: 9 months

Two days ago, Deacon turned 9 months old. Holy moly, how can it be that in just 3 short months, I'll have a 1-year old!?! Let's not dwell on that. First, let's look at his recent stats:

Birth: 7lbs 9oz, 20.5 inches
2 weeks: 8lbs 9oz (49%), 20.25 inches (32%)
1 month: 10lbs 8oz (66%), 21 inches (31%)
2 months: 13lbs 1.6oz (70%), 23 inches (47%)
4 months: 15lbs 13oz (61%), 25 inches (46%)
6 months: 18 lbs 9oz (71%), 27 inches (68%)
9 months: 21 lbs 15oz (85%), 28.5 inches (57%)

And now onto some cute pictures of his at this adorable age. Last Sunday, we all walked to the playground for the first time in months, and Deacon had his first swing ride.

Obviously, Fletch is too big for that baby swing and looks silly, but he insisted.
As you can see from these pictures, he loved it.

In terms of milestones, the only big one recently is sitting up. He now sits on his own for several minutes at a time, which means he can sit up and play with some of the same toys as Piper and Fletch.

Other than that, we're still waiting on him to start crawling and getting more mobile. In the meantime, he's our little cutie that just lights up the room with his adorable smiles.

Happy 9-Month Day, Deacon! We love you!