Friday, August 31, 2012

2 Years Old

I'm still coming to grips with the idea that we have two 2-year olds. Where did my babies go?!? While I figure that out and deal with all the other craziness going on (work's crazy, just got home from vacation, have been sick for 3 days, sorting all the birthday gifts, etc.) and sort through some photos to post about what we've been up to lately, I figured I'd do this easy post about P&F's 2-year appointment.

Piper and Fletch are doing great. They both got a clean bill of health (knock on wood) and are developing perfectly. They are doing terrific with their speech (Piper's speaking in multi-word sentences and has excellent pronunciation, and Fletch is stringing together words and is very big into his "pleases" and "thank you's"), and the doctor wasn't concerned. She did say it would be a good time to start thinking about potty training. Piper and Fletch might be ready, but I'm not sure I am.

We also talked about their diet, and she'd like them to drink a bit more milk each day, but we got the all clear to switch to skim. Right now, they probably drink about 6-8 oz total, but they'd like it to be closer to 12-20 oz. I'm also going to try to get them more cheese and yogurt.

Here are their most recent stats. Fletch continues to be a barrel-shaped beast.

6 months: 27 inches (66%), 18lbs 12oz (68%)
9 months: 28.5 inches (59.9%), 22lbs 7.7oz (79.4%)
12 months: 30.5 inches (74%), 24 lbs 10 oz (76%)
15 months: 31.5 inches (64%), 27 lbs 8.5 oz (86%)
18 months: 34 inches (93%), 29 lbs (95%)
21 months: 34 inches (although measured at home so maybe not accurate), 32 lbs (93%)
24 months: 35.75 inches (71%), 33.4 lbs (97%)

6 months: 25 inches (19%), 15lbs 11oz (39%)
9 months: 27.75 inches (57.9%), 17lbs 13.7oz (32.5%)
12 months: 30 inches (79%), 20 lbs 1.9 oz (34%) 
15 months: 31.25 (76%), 23 lbs 1 oz (55%) 
18 months: 32.5 inches (73%), 24 lbs (87%)
21 months: 32.5 inches (again, measured at home), 26.4 lbs (63%)
24 months: 34.75 inches (71%), 27.6 lbs (75%)

We couldn't be happier with how they are doing. They continue to get cuter each day!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Port Discovery 2.0

Someone recently asked me about some of my favorite things to do with the kids. At the time, I didn't have an answer at the time, but I realized that's a combination of two things. First, I love going to children's museums where they can explore so many different things and seeing their face light up at the new experiences. Second, I can't get enough of seeing them play with my friends' families. I just love seeing them all interact and having fun together.

This weekend, we got to do both of those faves. Mandy, Darren, Caleb, and Molly, who we visited back in Woburn last year, were in Baltimore on vacation. On Saturday, we drove up to meet them for our second visit to Port Discovery. The day didn't disappoint, and we had a great time.

It started by filling up the car with gas, so Fletch could go for a spin.

We then played a little soccer. Piper who didn't want to leave. We may have to get them a soccer ball for their birthday.

how do you make gifs

Soccer really wears a kid out. 

After that, it was time for more exploring.

And some crafts. I think we have a Petite Picasso or two on our hands.

There was a big Mr. Potato Head exhibit at the museum, and then we happen to run the big man himself. Piper really wanted to hold his hand and give him a kiss. So much so that his "handler" had to tell us to be gentle with Mr. PH.

Time for some fun in the sand.

And some relaxing.

After all that excitement, we left the museum for lunch outside. As you can see, Fletch worked up an appetite and thoroughly enjoyed his PBJ.

All in all, it was a fantastic day. Mandy, we can't wait to see you all again in a few weeks.

Everyone's Smiling

Last weekend, we went to a local 4-H fair. The carousel brought out smiles from everyone.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

St. Michael's

We haven't had a chance to do many road trips this summer, so last weekend, we did a day trip to St. Michael's, MD, which is a cute little town on the Eastern Shore. If you don't leave at 8am on Saturday morning during vacation season and stop for iced coffee along the way, it should take less than 2 hours to get there. So, it took us about 3 hours, but that's okay.

We had a great time. There's a cute little playground, some stores to browse, including a great toy store, and you can eat on the water.

The lowlight of the day was when P&F threw a fit when we wouldn't let them walk right along the jellyfish-infested water to look at the boats. It was tantrum city. The type where they won't walk a step farther and just fall to the ground in a floppy mess. Such is life with two almost 2-year olds.

The best part of the day was sitting on the water to eat lunch. Fletch LOVED watching the boats go by. Piper was enamored with her coloring. It was the perfect setting.

It was a great day, followed by a great night's sleep for P&F. All that fresh sea air left them tuckered out.