Monday, December 17, 2012

Can't Stop Singing

We went to Sesame Street Live this weekend. The kids loved it, and we're all still singing the main song from it, "Can't Stop Singing," although Piper often sings, "Please stop singing," which may be a commentary on my vocal skills.

Before the show, they have a play zone set up where kids can pretend to be on Sesame Street, interact close up with the characters, color, and work off some pre-show energy.


Then it was onto the show. We were about 5 rows from the front, which was awesome because the characters would come right down to us, and dance on a mini-stage right next to us.

It was super fun, but super exhausting. By the time we got home, the kids were high on their candy treats but exhausted from having to keep it together so long, and Eric and I were spent from trying to keep them from lunging at the stage for so long. However, we'll probably do it again because seeing the looks on their faces while were there was priceless.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

For the Love of Santa

We've been talking about Santa with the kids for a few weeks now, so they were so excited to go see him yesterday. In general, the kids have very little stranger danger, so I knew they'd be okay with Santa, but I didn't expect them to love it that much. This is the best picture we got because Piper kept turning around to see and talk to him. Fletch just couldn't stop smiling. I just love this photo....

Piper asked Santa for "dollies and babies," and Fletch asked for "trains." They've been good girls and boys this year, so hopefully Santa will bring them everything they want.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Mom Visit

As mentioned in a previous post, my mom came to visit this weekend, and a great time was had by all. The kids were super-cute and well behaved, and really put on a show of all their new talking and other skills.

The high point of the weekend was a Saturday trip to the U.S. Botanic Garden's Seasons Greetings exhibit, where they had model trains running through some plant-based displays.

Seeing Thomas (and Annie and Claribel) and Percy in action might have been the highlight of Fletch's life so far. 

Piper just loved running everywhere and exploring.

And some pics in front of the Capitol

After a quick lunch at the Air and Space Museum, we went home and everyone took long naps. It was a morning of fun and excitement and probably the most walking the kids have ever done. Overall, we had a wonderful weekend, and can't wait to see my mom again in a few weeks.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lazy Video Post

Eric put together some videos of the kids from this fall. Here they are for your viewing pleasure. The last one is my favorite--twins means always having a Ring Around the Rosie partner.

Turkey Day

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving last week, with so much to be grateful for this year. We started the day with a trip to the playground and then did some long naps. When the kids woke up from naps, Eric's parents arrived with the full turkey dinner. What could be better than having the dinner delivered right to your doorstep?!? It was delicious, although in true toddler fashion, Piper and Fletch were only mildly interested in eating. Fletch ate and then quickly decided to leave the table. Piper would only eat rolls, even after talking all week about the mashed potatoes she was going to eat.

Other than their pickiness, it was a great day. Here are some photos.

Fletch was a little grumpy after his nap, so he wasn't thrilled about getting his pic taken.

Piper got her bangs cut the next day so she could see again.

The final meal preparations....

What's better after a big meal than a little dress-up time. Aaarrggh!

Fletch LOVES his new backhoe. He woke up the next day still asking for it.

All in all, a terrific day with delicious food and great family. Next weekend, we continue the fun with a visit from my mom.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Halloween Photo Dump

Ok, I admit I got a little lazy about blogging the past few weeks. October just went by in a whirlwind, and suddenly it was November. In any case, the highlight of October was Halloween. The kids had so much fun ToTing as Little Red Riding Hood (or Princess Riding Hood, as Piper called herself) and the Big Bad Wolf. It took a little convincing to get Fletch into his costume, but after that, the night was a success. We, along with Eric's parents, had a great time.

I'd post more about Halloween but I'm seriously exhausted. Instead, enjoy all these cute photos.


And, in case that wasn't enough cuteness for you, take a look at this 30-second video recap.

I promise to try to update more in November.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tradition Continues

For the 30-something year in a row, Columbus Day weekend has been the time to buy pumpkins in my family. Yesterday, we carried on that tradition with the kids, just as we did the past two years.

This year, they had a great time playing around in the tunnels, climbing around the haystacks, and picking out their own pumpkins. Much better than the first year when they were floppy luggage and last year when they were Piper had the stink eye and pouted the whole time. This is truly one of my favorite holidays.

Fall Festival

We attended a kids fall festival a few weekends ago. It was the perfect toddler activity: started early in the morning and had trains, petting zoo, bounce houses, the Great Zucchini (look him up--he's quite the celeb with the toddler set), ice cream, fire trucks, trains, ambulances, buses, etc. We only got a few pics, but it really was the perfect day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Apple Picking

We went apple picking last weekend. Or should I say apple eating? It was a lot of fun but the kids weren't too interested in actually picking any apples. It was more like one big apple buffet.

For those who are wondering, we went to Stribling Orchard, which is shown in the first few photos. The last two pictures were taken at Hartland Orchard. Stribling had tons of apples both on the trees and on the ground, but was a bit hard to walk around due to the tall grass/brush. Homestead was easier to drive and walk around but had very few apples in large parts of the orchard. We went to Stribling first and then to Hartland but only stayed there a few minutes. We finished the day at the Apple House for lunch. Delicious! The BBQ sandwich was so good, and I'm still dreaming about the warm apple butter donuts.